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CSR Latest Articles
Welcome, Patrick!
CSR is growing! We are excited to welcome Patrick Larkin to the team. Patrick is dedicated to excellence in leadership and operations...
Advisory Boards: Why You Need One And How They Add Value
“Advisory Board? I don’t need no stinkin’ advisory board!” Yeah, you do and we can help you form one so that they actually add value....
FINALLY! A chance to catch up.
It’s a leap year, right? Another day available to throw at that black hole of “stuff” that keeps gnawing away at you, right? Sorry; an...
The Perfect Presentation: Part 2
Last week we covered how to craft the perfect presentation, this week we’re taking you from the notes on your desk to standing in the...
The Perfect Presentation: Part 1
The number one fear in the U.S. is Public Speaking. Everyone is familiar with that feeling before a big (or even small) speech: the...
3 Things You Should Do – Now.
At CSR, we will meet our clients where they are; sometimes that means that we will wait for the back-to-school time to appeal to their...
Customer Touch Points
Designing and improving processes in ways that “delight customers” is a major foundation to Six Sigma. It is such an important principle...
Being In The Arena
Brené Brown. Perhaps you’ve heard of her? She is the Ted Talk dominating, shame researching, five best-seller authoring powerhouse that...
Plan for tomorrow’s crisis…today
As a business leader, you probably learned quickly that you should always expect the unexpected. Or, to put it another way, if it’s not...
Competing Against Tech
Smart phones, apps, internet of things, big data, blockchain and robotics are all topics that fill our everyday lives, even though only a...
CSR Loves Its Legal Clients
Regardless of whether our law firm clients tend to be Catholic or not, I have learned that the legal profession is steeped in tradition. ...
Why You Need Employee Retention Plans
It’s that time magical time of the year again! Time to pull out that worn legal pad and make a list of business priorities for the next...
What We’re Listening To: Favorite Podcasts
Morning commutes have never been better thanks to the influx of podcasts. Based in Atlanta, we know a thing or two about passing the time...
WANTED: A match made in heaven
Who hasn’t seen a job posting filled with a grand list technical skills and experience requirements? But when that “perfect” candidate...
Candid Tips For Networking
There are some basic tenets of networking on which everyone can agree: make eye contact, shake hands with confidence, be ready with your...
Back To School With DiSC
It’s August, and kids are headed back to school! Supplies are being bought, and classes and activities are being scheduled. For kids,...
CSR Recommended Reading: “Never Split The Difference”
Not everyone might think a book about getting what you want by a former top FBI negotiator as a beach read, but I say it absolutely is....
Guest Post: 3 SEO Basics That Will Boost Your Content Marketing Results
Chris Craft is the CEO/President of Nao Media, and a member of the Spin Sucks community for PR and marketing with CSR marketing...
5 Posts For Summer Reading
We’ve reached the unofficial halfway point of summer with the Fourth of July behind us. As a student, it was the point in the summer when...
Non-Monetary Rewards and Ways to Share Appreciation
Everyone wants to know they are appreciated. A simple “thank you” or “great job” is the first step to expressing appreciation, but...
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