The $11M Path To ResultsWe’ve been asked on more than one occasion, “So what do you do?” (and even wrote about it here). We can tell you: We make our clients...
Addressing Our Most FAQ: “What Comes Next?”“That was a great strategic planning session – now what happens?” I get this a lot. Our clients finally take the plunge, have a great...
What’s The Magic Number?“What’s your Magic Number?” As part of our approach to strategic planning, I offer the above phrase as the key motivator for many of our...
Begin With The Owner In MindThe last blog post about strategic planning discussed the ‘why’ of strategic planning and our philosophy in general terms – this...
Why Start With Strategic Planning?We didn’t always do it this way. Playing to my strengths and desires, CSR used to come galloping in to save the day. Lots of adrenaline,...
Spirituality And Strategic PlanningI recently went on my annual silent retreat, the type I started attending in high school. Modeled after the Spiritual Exercises of Saint...