Earlier this year, I wrote about books that entry-level employees should read in order to get up to speed on business basics:
This is not a blog post for the MBAs and “higher-ups.” This is for the entry level folks out there who may not know much about business as a discipline, but want to go beyond what they are exposed to every day. What is the reasoning behind things we take for granted? Where is this wisdom and strategy from coming from?
Here are some more picks from the CSR library:
Michael Gerber: The E-Myth Revisited
E-Myth is one of those books that you should read even if you work in an excellent business–not because everyone can learn from it, but because people will bring it up and it’s a good idea to have an opinion about it. While I personally don’t appreciate Gerber’s occasional condescending attitude (this is one of the few books I don’t recommend listening to), this business classic does hold a lot of interesting thoughts on the difference between a “technician,” manager, and entrepreneur. The emphasis on systems is also extremely powerful and definitely something every business should have in some capacity.
Simon Sinek: Start with Why
This book won’t do much for you day-to-day, but it’s really interesting for understanding why you’re in business and how that permeates everything you do. There’s a great TED talk on “starting with why” that sums up the main concept, if you decide not to read this book yet. If you watch TED talks, you’ve probably seen it since it’s the third most-viewed of all time! I definitely recommend the Audible version of the book–like Jim Collins, Sinek narrates his books very passionately and I really enjoyed hearing his enthusiasm.
Patrick Lencioni: Silos, Politics, and Turf Wars
This little volume is very different from the Lencioni book I recommended in the last post. Silos is a ‘fable’ that illustrates the sources, symptoms, and treatments for tense intradepartmental dynamics in businesses. Follow Jude Cousins’ story of entrepreneurship, relationships, awkward communication, and recent parenthood!
Jeffrey J. Fox: How to Become a Rainmaker
There’s technically no concrete reason to read this book if you don’t plan on ever becoming a “rainmaker.” But I found it extremely helpful for understanding sales basics (you don’t sell cookie cutters, you sell cookies) and even learned some useful tips (always park far away from a clients’ front door so that they don’t catch you arriving super early to get your makeup done).
I hope these recommendations are useful for you or the budding young employee you mentor. Have you read these? What am I missing? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Get in touch by email or social media.