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Probonathon Runners Up

We will be ready to announce our Probonathon 2013 winner very soon! In the meantime, we’d like to tell you about two applicants that didn’t make the cut but are still interesting and worthy non-profits.

The Foundation for Hospital Art‘s basic mission is to give love and comfort to patients in hospitals. Since 1983, it has provided artwork at no cost to brighten hospitals. They have involved over half a million volunteers in creating the artwork. FHA has donated over 36,000 paintings to over 3,000 hospitals and nursing homes in 194 countries. Visit their website,, to get involved.

Another interesting applicant was the USA branch of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights. Their mission: to create a forum of diverse bioethics thought leaders. They seek to deliver a common framework to guide the global dialogue and application of bioethical principles. They also hope to inform & influence ethical, legal and public opinions, decisions and actions relative to medicine, life sciences, and human rights and responsibilities. Concretely, this means involvement in a variety of educational and research endeavors, along with a variety of other activities. Their website has a great deal of resources; be sure to check them out at

Again, thanks to every one of our applicants. We’re so excited to announce the winner next week!



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