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Small Business Health Insurance: WHY

It’s that time of year again.

I’m not referring to Thanksgiving, or the barrage of ads we’re already being hit with about Black Friday deals. Besides fall weather, November signals the start of Open Enrollment. Whether you obtain your health insurance through your employer, a broker, or the government exchange, November is the time to make the plan choice that will be in effect come January 1, 2016.

Here at CSR, we’ve made the very deliberate choice to offer health insurance offers to our employees with the company covering the lion’s share of the monthly premiums. We do so for several reasons:

  1. Caring is one of our values. If we care about our clients, we must also care about our employees who serve them. Our culture of caring is modeled on Catholic social teaching.

  2. Employees can focus on the work at hand when they know that their preventative care needs will be 100% covered and they can budget a predictable amount for co-pays and prescriptions, should they need sick care.

  3. This peace of mind is valuable not only for employee morale, but also for the bottom line. Happy and healthy employees are more engaged and more productive.

So even if your company is below the federal minimum number of employees and not required to offer health care, consider doing it–just because it’s the right thing to do.


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