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Summertime And Client Relationships

From Thanksgiving to the New Year – that’s the quintessential time frame for recognizing clients with gifts.  And CSR definitely gears up with fresh ideas well in advance of that time to suggest ways to lavish your love on your customers and employees.  But why not turn things around a bit and focus some affection in the summertime?  Here are a few ideas you could put into play.

First, use your vacation time AND your clients’ time away to full advantage.  Before you leave on a well-deserved trip, check in with key clients to let them know you’ll be traveling, but you’ll follow up when you return.  Ask them if they have fun things planned so that you can touch base shortly after their returns.  Sharing summer experiences is great for deepening relationships and are easy transitions to checking in for additional business.

Second, look for ways to surprise special clients with gifts during these summer months.  You could send a Starbucks gift card for iced coffee and a personal note, sponsor a King of Pops happy hour for their office, or mail a summer read to a favorite contact.  These gestures absolutely keep you top of mind for business planning.

Third, don’t wait for the traditional turn of the calendar page for business planning.  The back-to-school mindset isn’t just for students.  Gearing up in the August and September time frame to capture market share, budget allocations, and project wins can be your winning strategy.  Your competition will still be sealing their holiday cards and hoping for growth while you’re off and running on new projects for your clients.


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