I received a handwritten thank you card from my favorite graphic designer the other day. “Good for you,” you may be thinking, or, “that’s nice…so what?” Her very thoughtful gesture of a simple and elegant note of appreciation really got me thinking, though.
Our daily mail at home is a sea of bills, pizza coupons, credit card offers, and other solicitations. And for those who work in an office, when is the last time you saw any real mail at all? Everything is electronic. So to see an envelope with a real stamp and a handwritten address – well, it captured my attention. What is this special thing? Is it for me?!
An old-fashioned, handwritten letter or card is a true rarity, something of value. It’s something you could use to differentiate your intentions and the care you have for your recipients.
And I have written previously about communicating with customers – picking up the phone to ask how you are doing, what can we do better, what do you like about us? How about establishing a lovely new habit? Buy a simple box of notecards with your company logo, and use that box up with a weekly note to a different customer. Let each client know what you appreciate about them, how your relationship has grown, a unique memory of a fruitful meeting, or something you admire about them.
These notes don’t have to be long. They don’t have to follow a formula – in fact, they shouldn’t! And who will know if you don’t mail one out every single week? But the impact a handwritten note can have is immeasurable. My designer, colleague, and friend made me feel helpful, valuable, and eager to work with her on future projects. And she inspired me. What could be better?