We are (even more!) energized at CSR these days:
The frozen pipeline of new business has unfrozen with a vengeance.
Our internal marketing team is buzzing with energy and new approaches – including one of the members of the Muñoz clan, Sofía!
Our marketing team focused externally is really making a big difference with our clients – we are finally able to tell all of our clients “Yes, we can implement that part of your strategic plan that has to do with marketing!” and know that we have enough capacity.
So what does this have to do with the blog title?
I was directed, by Sofía, to write a three part series on why we are called what we are called – CSR. And, no, it doesn’t stand for Corporate Social Responsibility!
CSR stands for Consulting, Solutions, and Results – I’ll give you the very intentional story starting with “Consulting.”
What a blasé word to include in a name – however, I have a reason!
Way back in 2002 (whew!), I was coming out of corporate America. I was tired of the big consultancies coming into the Fortune 500 companies in which I was working and facing the following:
Them: “Hi, I’m from _______(fill in the name of a Big 4 consultancy) – what’s going on here?”
My team and I: “Here’s the deal – we need to do X, Y, and Z and the board needs your cover so that we can get these things done.”
Them: “Sounds good – so…any thoughts on how this gets done?”
We would then pull out the deck that we had already put together, they would slap their logo on it, and then present it.
Bingo – initiatives approved.
I get Consulting – you need experts that know what they’re doing.
Experts who can take you by the hand and who care and are going to take you from point A to point B.
Getting that map, that guidance, that…knowledge sharing is key.
But you can’t stop there.
See Part 2: Solutions