As lifelong learners, we’re always looking for ways to improve our services and share valuable insights. We understand the value of an outside perspective (as is the nature of our business), so we often look to our CSR bookshelf full of professional reads. Not only do we promote a healthy reading habit among our team, we frequently recommend books to our clients, too.
Here are a few of our favorite professional reads that you can find us recommending to clients right now.
The Revenue Growth Habit by Alex Goldfayn
This 2015 business classic has been a recommended book from CSR to several clients who are interested in growing their revenue to higher tiers. Goldfayn’s tips are practical, motivating, and make a lot of sense. He delivers the material with case study successes and in manageable chunks for implementation. As added benefits, he supplements his books with frequent complimentary newsletters to keep you on track and he is available for sales force engagements.
Great by Choice by Jim Collins
When you are on your own and running hard, it’s hard to carve out time to continue to educate and “sharpen the saw.” This book (by the same author as Good to Great), is both very readable and applicable. I especially like the concept of the SMaC (Specific, Methodical, and Consistent). This set of desirable operating practices distills the recipe for success at the given moment in time and provides a guide of operations to follow. Concepts like this which are thought provoking and applicable make this a go-to reference book for anyone.
The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters by Priyaka Parker
With so many things vying for our time, meetings often get a bad reputation. One of the biggest criticisms of meetings is that they become formulaic – staff meeting equals project updates, budget review, calendar check. What Parker suggests in her book is to get out of the formula and instead, choose a purpose when meeting and commit to gather about something. By assessing the purpose of gatherings, and asking the whys, you’ll schedule and have more valuable meetings.
Check out more of our favorite professional reads here.