We’ve been asked on more than one occasion, “So what do you do?” (and even wrote about it here). We can tell you: We make our clients into higher-performing businesses that are better aligned to their leaders’/stakeholders’ dream. And we can show you: Keep reading for our most recent case study.
Like many business leaders, the business leader in this case study found himself in the weeds of the day-to-day business functions. He was playing the role of both coach and player, constantly entrenched in the “doing.” And while it may seem obvious that this is a perfect equation for burnout, it is also the perfect equation for stagnant growth. By performing multiple disciplines within the company instead of having designated experts for those disciplines, the business had blind spots.
We started the engagement with a strategic planning session. The Strategic Planning Session is a thorough review of a business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. We reviewed personal goals for the leader, as well as high-level financial goals and projections. The final output of the session is a 5-year strategic plan, and the opportunity to continue with us to implement the plan.
This business leader continued with us on the Path to Results. This included a budgeting analysis, a review of human resources, business development coaching, new hires and expansion. We had monthly face-to-face meetings for reviews and planning, used Vision/Traction Organizer ™ to drive ongoing strategy, and offered “all-you-can-eat” access via phone or email.
Now, 8 years later on the Path to Results, our client who came to us needing personal balance, a sounding board, and direction for the business, has seen a 61x return on investment – that’s $11M in revenue growth. We have also helped them to develop an advisory council to guide the leader with future strategy, solidifying the leader's initial personal goal of getting a sounding board and personal balance.
That’s what we do. Want to see how this growth happened in the numbers and timing? See the full case study here.
Curious what CSR can do for your business? We’d love to speak with you.